Sunday, May 30, 2010

Want you to be my prize

I have such bad sleeping patterns as of late: Stay up till all hours drinking tea and looking at blogs and then I wake up at like 12 and I usually have work at 3 so I do nothing all day, it's most unhealthy&I really have to bite the bullet and snap out of it. Today Darren text me to tell me to book off the 12th of June, he's getting us tickets to Paul Mc Cartney, I'm a huge Beatles fan so I'm stoked :) I'm still badgering my mother about getting a kitty, I want a wee fluffy black one and I'm a gonna call it Sookie, yes I am slightly obsessed with True Blood. I'm also planning on buying all the Harry Potter movies that are available and watching them with Kettle all in one night, it would be amazing, on one condition though, we shave off all her hair and dye it ginger and I call her Ron for the rest of the year. It's a pretty fair deal.xo


  1. so many great photos on your blog that leave me starring and so mysterious,inspiring! come here so I can do a shoot with youuuuumuUHGH


  2. gah, just saw your comment there from a million years ago, you're so cute!
    i must start posting again! xx
